• 10002908
  • Medical Office Administration Certificate (CT)
Ivy Tech Community College - Indianapolis
Ivy Tech Community College
50 W Fall Creek Parkway N Dr
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Staff Approved


Medical Assisting Program Standard:A qualified faculty member in medical assisting meets both of the following criteria:1. Possesses an earned baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution, and2. Has two of the following:? Professional certification in the field;? Two years of directly related work experience.? Completed academic preparation appropriate to the program and/or discipline being taught.MEAS 109, 110, 209, 299 Course Standard:A qualified faculty member teaching MEAS 109, 110, 209, 299 meets the program standard and has a minimum of one year of related work experience, or meets the course standard with all three of the following criteria:1. Possesses an earned associate degree from a regionally accredited institution, and2. Has a minimum of one year of related work experience, and3. Possesses one of the following:? Completed academic preparation appropriate to the course being taught, or? Professional certification in the field.MEAS 137 Course Standard:A qualified faculty member teaching MEAS 137meets the program standard and has a minimum of one year of directly related work experience, or meets the course standard through all three of the following criteria:1. Possesses an earned associate degree from a regionally accredited institution, and2. Has a minimum of one year of related work experience, and3. Holds a professional certification in the field.MEAS 218 Course Standard:A qualified faculty member teaching MEAS 218 meets the program standard and has a minimum of one year of related work experience, or meets the course standard through all three of the following criteria:1. Possesses an earned associate degree from a regionally accredited institution, and2. Has a minimum of one year related work experience, and3. Possesses one of the following:? Completed academic preparation appropriate to the course being taught or? Professional certification in the field.MEAS 219, 238, 239, 260 Course Standard:A qualified faculty member teaching MEAS 219, 238, 239, and 260 meets the program standard and has a minimum of one year of directly related work experience, or meets the course standard through all three of the following criteria:1. Possesses an earned associate degree from a regionally accredited institution, and2. Has a minimum of one year related work experience, and3. Possesses one of the following:? Completed academic preparation appropriate to the course beingtaught, or? Professional certification in the field.MEAS 272, 275, 276 Course Standard:A qualified faculty member teaching MEAS 272, 275 and 276 meets the course standard through one of three routes:1. Meets the program standard and has at least one year of directly related work experience, or2. Possesses an earned associate degree from a regionally accredited institution, with a minimum of one year related work experience using the language being taught, or3. Demonstrates competency/fluency through translation of identified video or interview with a faculty member or expert identified by the Program Chair.

Ivy Tech's Medical Office Administration Certificate (CT) teaches students about:

  • Medical terminology
  • Medical assistant responsibilities
  • Clinical practice
  • Insurance coding
  • Electronic administration

Students also take an elective course, with topics ranging from microbiology to Spanish.

Time to Complete

The Medical Office Administration CT at Ivy Tech requires 18 credit hours, or two semesters, to complete.

Building on Your Certificate

If your goal is to earn a Technical Certificate in Medical Assisting, or ultimately, an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Medical Assisting, you can earn this short-term certificate on your way. The certificate is designed to provide a gateway into entry-level medical assisting careers. That means you may be able to enter the workforce in your desired field even before you graduate, if your plan includes working while you’re in school.

Prep for CMAA Certification

This training prepares students to take the CMAA certification exam through the National Healthcareer Association (NHA). An increasing number of employers are requiring this credential for medical administrative assistants. 

A program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of office managers and other professionals, to perform routine administrative duties in a medical, clinical, or health care facility/system office environment. Includes instruction in general office skills, data processing, office equipment operation, principles of medical record-keeping and business regulations, medical/clinical office procedures, and communications skills. Review and answer practice correspondence. Operate computer systems to accomplish office tasks. Answer calls, schedule appointments, greet patients and maintain files. Update and maintain patient and other practice-specific information. Coordinate operation reports such as time and attendance. Leads to a certification in Certified Medical Administrative Assistant - CMAA - by National Healthcareer Association - NHA, employment and/or completion of an associate’s degree. Displayed pricing is based on full-time enrollment. For more information, visit the Medical Assisting Program website.

High School Diploma or Equivalent

Students must be program ready in English and Math.

Ivy Tech does not have a deadline for admission. Our 8-week class sessions start throughout the year—in January, March, June, August, and October—and there is no hard deadline for applying for any of the start dates. It's important, though, to apply early enough that you'll be able to complete all the degree planning, financial aid, and registration activities that need to happen before your first day. We recommend you apply about one month before you intend to start classes. See upcoming start dates >>



  • 33
    • 60
    • 20
    • 20
  • Day
  • 1 year(s)
  • 18 academic credit hours
  • 15.00 Hours
  • 100%

Financial Information

    • $160.00
    • No
    • $0.00
    • Yes

Financial Aid

Financial Aid:

  • Federal Gift Aid (Pell Grant)
  • Federal Student Loan (Stafford)
  • G. I. Bill
  • Institutional Gift Aid (Grants and Scholarships)
  • Local Gift Aid (Grants and Scholarships)
  • State Financial Aid (Grants and Scholarships)
  • Work Study Programs
  • No
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