A FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) sUASPart 107 Commerical Pilots License and registered with IACRA (Integrated Airman Certification Rating Application) pilots tracking system.
OUR TRAINING PROGRAM IS LISTED UNDER THE NEW 2020 CIP CODES PROVIDED BY IES > NCES (NATIONAL CENTER OF EDUCATION STATISTICS CIP CODE 49.0109, TITLE REMOTE AIRCRAFT PILOT. https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/cipcode/cipdetail.aspx?y=56&cip=49.0109. With the past and current application of Drones in the world, there is not only a current and future demand for drone operators, they must comply with FAA regulations which requires any drone owner who operates his or her drone for monitary reasons is considered a commercial operator and by Federal law must obtain a Commerical Drones pilots license called the PART 107. Triple T Academy is the only organization that teaches this class in a classroom one on one type situation in the state of Indiana. Once this license is obtained, the drone pilot can operate anywhere in the United states with just this one license. ALSO, OUR CIP CODE FOR EXACTLY WHAT WE DO IN TRAINING EDUCATION IS IN THE CIP 2020 CLASSIFICATION AS 49.0109.
Person minimum age to participate is 16 years of age.
8 days before first class is offered. Some situation may be reviewed for exceptional circumstances.