• 10003060
  • Child Development Credential (CDA) Training
  • W Insufficient student exit data. (3 or less)
Early Childhood CDA Training Center, LLC
Early Childhood CDA Training Center, LLC
9745 Haughton Ln.
McCordsville, IN 46055
Staff Approved


A Master's degree in Early Childhood Education or the equivalent.


This program provides more than the required 120 clock hours of training for the CDA Credential, aligning with the 8 subject areas specified by the Council for Professional Recognition (the credentialing agency). Students use the CDA Council's textbook, "Essentials for Working with Young Children." The training is delivered via twice-weekly Zoom sessions (2-hour). During these sessions, the students will have an opportunity to view relevent videos aligned with the content, have breakout discussion sessions with their classmates, and meaningful interaction with their instructor. The students willl complete their assignments for this training on the Canvas LMS platform. There, they will participate in discussion boards, complete written assignments, and quizzes.These will all be graded individually by their instructor. This is NOT a self-guided training program. The instructor is interacting and providing feedback consistently throughout the training.

Besides the required training, the CDA requires the candidates to prepare a Professional Portfolio, take an online exam, and be observed and evaluated in the classroom by a Professional Development Specialist, who is specially trained by the credentialing agency. This program provides robust support and assistance with all of these throughout the course. After successful completion of this program, candidates should be fully prepared to earn a CDA. Students have the opportunity to evaluate the training during and after the training. This evaluation is used to make adjustments and improvements on a regular basis.


Students will be offered alignment with TEACH Early Childhood Indiana, which offers scholarships to fund the $425. CDA application fee.Students must meet certain requirements and submit documentation as part of the application process. This process will commence during the course of the program, so funding is available for payment for the CDA application and timely completion of the credentialling process is possible immediately after completing the training.


Students are eligible for a $50. bonus for completing the training program. Upon earning the CDA credential and providing our office with a copy of the certificate, students are eligible for a $100. bonus. In addition, students who utilize the TEACH Scholarship may be eligible for a $200. bonus from TEACH Early Childhood Indiana when providing that office with a copy of the credential.

High School Diploma or Equivalent
  • Be at least 18 years of age and a resident of Indiana.
  • Employed in a childcare center, childcare home, or childcare ministry that is licensed, registered, or certified as a LLEP CCDF provider by OECOSL.
  • Work 25 or more hours per week in Indiana
  • Must be able to speak, read, and write well enough, in the language required in their workplace, to fulfill the repsonsiblities of a CDA.
  • Must have acquired at least 480 hours of experience working with young children within 3 years of applying for a CDA.
  • Earn $25.00/hour or less as a teacher/ teacher assistant, family childcare owner or director/ administrator.
  • Have a current Criminal History / Background check on file with the FSSA, Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning. (OECOSL).

Approximately 20 days prior to the start of the course.



  • 100
    • 60
    • 10
    • 30
  • Evening,Online
  • 4 month(s)
  • 124 instructional hour(s)
  • 20.00 Hours
  • 100%

Financial Information

    • $425.00
    • No

Financial Aid

Financial Aid:

  • No
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