- Meet admission requirements of the University.- Qualify for placement into MATH 102/MATH 022, MATH 103/MATH 023, or higher or receive appropriate transfer credit.- Qualify for placement into ENGL 101 (with no corequisite) as determined by placement test scores (e.g. SAT, ACT, or otherstandardized placement tests as accepted by Vincennes University), or receive appropriate transfer credit.- Earn a high school diploma (students may apply to the program during their senior year of high school) or achieve a minimumaverage standard score of 500 on the General Education Development (GED) test.- Possess physical and mental health acceptable for performance in the occupation as determined by the Department of Nursingand evidenced by examination from a licensed practitioner.- Hold a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3. For students with previous college credit, the GPA utilized will be the most recentcumulative GPA with courses completed that are required or relevant to the program. A current semester GPA less than 2.0 willexclude a candidate from admission.- Submit a recent placement test if requested by the Nursing Admissions Committee.- Hold no grade less than C in any required general education course. Applicants who have a current grade less than C in arequired general education course are not eligible for admission. Required general education courses may only be repeated onetime to raise the grade to a C or better. This includes pre-requisites to required courses.- Hold no grade of F in any nursing course.Note: Applicants that are not admitted directly from high school must complete nine hours of college courses (100 level orabove) with a 2.3 GPA, with no grade lower than a C. These nine hours must include English Composition I. HIMT 110 -Medical Terminology for Allied Health may be used as part of the ninecredit hours.Note: Transfer credits: The registrar will determine if credit is to be granted for courses taken at other institutions of highereducation.Note: Time limit on previously completed courses: Only MATH; BIOL 111 - Anatomy and Physiology I and BIOL 111L -Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I; BIOL 112 - Anatomy and Physiology II and BIOL 112L - Anatomy and PhysiologyLaboratory II; and BIOL 107 - Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology and BIOL 107L - Essentials of Human Anatomyand Physiology Laboratory taken less than seven years prior to admission to the Practical Nursing Program will be considered forcredit.a. Students seeking credit for a math course that was taken longer than seven years prior to admission to the Practical NursingProgram may elect to take the University math placement test and receive cut scores of EA 46 or greater.b. Students seeking credit for a math course; BIOL 111 - Anatomy and Physiology I and BIOL 111L - Anatomy and PhysiologyLaboratory I; BIOL 112 - Anatomy and Physiology II and BIOL 112L - Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II; and BIOL 107 -Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology and BIOL 107L - Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory thatwas taken longer than seven years prior to admission to the nursing program may elect to enroll in the course and seek earlycompletion. Exceptions will be made for applicants with previous college degree.c. Only General Psychology taken less than fifteen years prior to admission to the Practical Nursing Program will be consideredfor credit.