• 10001773
  • Dental Assisting
  • W Insufficient student exit data. (3 or less)
Evolution Training Academy
Evolution Training Academy
1452 E 85th Ave
Merrillville, IN 46410
Staff Approved


The minimum credentials are set forth by the OCTS, and they state that all members of the teaching faculty should have the minimum qualifications: 1. A two-or four-year degree from an institution, recognized by the United States Department of Education or national accrediting body, in the major area they are designed to teach; or 2. Practical experience of not less than two years in the major area they are assigned to teach and professional licensure or industry-recognized certification in the field; and 3. Obtain knowledge of the educational literature in the field, or the methods and techniques of handling industrial, commercial, and occupational/vocational training.

The program spans six months and includes a 200-hour externship to reinforce the dental assisting skills learned in the classroom. Students will be introduced to the material and, in most cases, will have the opportunity to practice their skills in the classroom before applying them in the field. Additionally, they will complete a CPR course, earning a certification valid for two years. Upon completion of the program, students will receive a diploma, as it differentiates them from Certified Dental Assistants, a designation that requires additional testing and credentials. Although "Certificate of Completion" was initially selected due to system limitations, the graduating credential awarded will be a Diploma.

High School Diploma or Equivalent

We offer new class admissions on a monthly basis.



  • 35
    • 50
    • 40
    • 10
  • Day
  • 6 month(s)
  • 512 instructional hour(s)
  • Hours
  • 95%

Financial Information

    • $0.00
    • No
    • $270.00
    • Yes

Financial Aid

Financial Aid:

  • Institutional Gift Aid (Grants and Scholarships)
  • Local Gift Aid (Grants and Scholarships)
  • State Financial Aid (Grants and Scholarships)
  • No
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