• 10001983
  • Healthcare Office Manager
US Career Institute - Remote
Weston Distance Learning DBA US Career Institute
2001 Lowe Street
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Staff Approved


Bachelor's Degree

The Healthcare Office Manager Course provides students with a firm foundation in healthcare office management principles and practices, preparing them for entry-level positions in the field. Students will find that the healthcare office manager plays a vital role in the medical profession. Lessons outline the roles, average day, personal qualities and desirable character traits of various healthcare professionals. Students learn to define medical terms and adhere to ethical standards and guidelines for healthcare professionals. The course covers office protocol and procedures, modes of communication, the process of active listening and the importance of using professional communication. Students examine the importance of good office skills, and the skills needed to produce business correspondence. Filing systems of medical records and the requirements to audit, release, retain and destroy medical records are covered and students learn the basics of accounting and finance.In addition to the comprehensive description, an individual program sheet is available to every Case Manager and student which explains the program comprehensively including objectives to be accomplished. A comprehensive Progress Report is also made available to Case Managers which includes all quizzes, exams and tests and progress being made. Students can monitor their academic progress in the Learning Management System portal and to ensure they are progressing on time as is projected. Instructors, Subject Matter Experts, and Career Coaches and Mentors are available to students ongoing and as needed to address any questions and or academic challenges.

High School Diploma or Equivalent

Open Enrollment



  • 100
    • 75
    • 10
    • 15
  • Day,Evening,Weekend,Online
  • 26 week(s)
  • 525 instructional hour(s)
  • Hours
  • 98%

Financial Information

    • $0.00
    • No

Financial Aid

Financial Aid:

  • No
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