• 7950
  • HI-2100: Pharmacy Technician Specialist
Medcerts, LLC
14143 Farmington Road
Livonia, MI 48154
Staff Approved


Training staff must have the required education and experience to appropriately teach the program content. Examples of education and experience include, but are not limited to, certificates and/or degrees from postsecondary institutions; certifications from industry-recognized agencies, and practical work experience in, or in a field closely related to, the career fields the program prepares students to enter. MedCerts confirms each training staff member’s academic background and work experience to ensure they are qualified to teach in the program.

The HI-2100 Pharmacy Technician Specialist program is designed to equip students with the knowledge required to gain the Certi?ed Pharmacy Technician (CPhT) certi?cation through the Pharmacy Technician Certi?cation Board's (PTCB) exam or the National Healthcareer Association’s (NHA) ExCPT exam. The PTCB’s exam is recognized in all 50 states and may be required to operate as a Pharmacy Technician in certain states as de?ned by each State’s Board of Pharmacy. While we highly recommend the PTCB’s exam, students are equally prepared for NHA's ExCPT exam, which is also widely recognized.

This program provides training in the areas of Human Anatomy, Physiology and Medical Terminology, and Pharmacy Technician Principles and Practices.

This is a Certi?cation Preparation program and does not contain all required components of an ASHP/ACPE-Accredited program, speci?cally the simulation/lab component and required externship. This program is perfect for a student that has an interest in becoming certi?ed as a Pharmacy Technician. In the coming years, more and more States will continue to require ASHP/ACPE Program completion along with passing the PTCE exam to be licensed and fully certi?ed. This program will not ful?ll those requirements but may meet the minimum licensing/registration standard in certain states. For students that wish to become a professional Pharmacy Technician by way of a fully accredited ASHP/ACPE program, please refer to the MedCerts RX-3000 Pharmacy Technician Professional program.

High School Diploma or Equivalent

High school diploma or GED, computer with internet access, course registration and payment.

This program has open enrollment.



  • 100
    • 0
    • 0
    • 100
  • Day,Evening,Weekend,Online
  • 16 week(s)
  • 256 instructional hours
  • Hours
  • 99%

Financial Information

    • $129.00
    • Yes

Financial Aid

Financial Aid:

  • No
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