• 10002532
  • Weatherization Level 1
Minority Contractors Collaboration
Minority Contractors Collaboration
2748 Dr. Andrew J. Brown
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Staff Approved


Eligibility Requirements for Instructors1.Be approved by an ATS Sponsor Representative to be certified as an instructor.2.Experience at a minimum journey – or technician-level (at least 4 years) in their area of expertise or a minimum of 3 years’ experience as a certified teacher on a vocational/technical construction or maintenance-related training program.3.Documentation of an instructor’s qualifications must be reviewed and approved by Sponsor Representative or the qualified personnel and kept on file by using one of the following methods:-A diploma from an acceptable secondary or post-secondary institution in the field(s) to be taught/evaluatedOR-A resume documenting actual experience in curriculum title or specific module(s) the individual tends to teachOR-Documented evidence of a successful completion of National Craft Assessment and Certification Program (NCACP) assessment in the appropriate fieldsOR-A license granted by a state in the field(s) to be taught/evaluatedOR-Relevant certification by a State Department of Education

The Weatherization Technician Level 1 program offers a comprehensive curriculum covering the fundamentals of weatherization. It introduces the benefits of weatherization for clients and workers, along with the historical background and DOE support for weatherization initiatives. The curriculum covers essential weatherization concepts such as sealing the building envelope, air exchange, stack effect, base load factors, and energy efficiency measures. It includes modules on lighting, domestic hot water systems, refrigerator replacement, energy-efficient windows and doors, and reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The program also provides insights into different roles in weatherization and potential career opportunities, including the NCCER Weatherization Program and advanced career paths. Overall, this training equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel as Weatherization Technicians.


Core Curriculum is included in level1 it can be completed at anytime during the program.




  • 80
    • 75
    • 20
    • 5
  • Day,Evening,Weekend,Online
  • 8 month(s)
  • 640 instructional hour(s)
  • 100%

Financial Information

    • $40.00
    • Yes

Financial Aid

Financial Aid:

  • No
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