• 10002469
  • Surgical Technologist
  • W Insufficient student exit data. (3 or less)
Indiana Wesleyan University
Indiana Wesleyan University
4201 S. Washington Street
Marion, IN 46953
Staff Approved


Bachelor's Degree in Biological Science MS in Healthcare Administration Doctor of Pharacy Industry certifications CMA CPC CPCT/A CET CPT CHUC CPhT RPhT CCS

The ST-3000 Surgical Technologist program provides students with a wide assortment of immersive and virtuallearning experiences that allow for demonstration of key clinical skills. Surgical procedures are demonstratedusing virtual tools or live-recorded video and are simulated, allowing the student to immerse themselves into avirtual experience that is engaging, safe, and repeatable. The role of a Surgical Technologist is to prepare operating rooms, arrange equipment, prepare patients, and assistdoctors during surgeries. They may interact with patients prior to (pre), during (intra), and after (post) surgicalprocedures. The role of the Surgical Technologist is incredibly important because they ensure a sterile andorganized environment. This program prepares students to become Tech in Surgery Certified (TS-C) by the National Center for CompetenceTesting (NCCT). Program objectives include explaining the role of the Surgical Technologist as a member of thesurgical team, distinguishing preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative duties, discussing workplace safety,infection control, hand washing, and use of personal protective equipment, and demonstrating instrumentidentification and passing skills while assisting with surgical procedures.

High School Diploma or Equivalent

The student must be working in a hospital in order to take this certification. Web browser with internet connection Course registration & paymentProgram applicants must meet ONE of the following requirements: Associate’s degree, or higher Enrolled in college/university-level degree program related to medical field Hold current certification in Sterile Processing, or related field. Min. two (2) yrs related experience: Surgical technology experience not required, but must be w/in clinical/medical/healthcare environment. Direct patient care experience required. Employer Sponsorship: Sponsorship Acknowledgement form signed by prospective employer agreeing to host graduate for post-program surgical cases (scrubs) as full-time/part-time employee, extern, or apprentice – required to attain TS-C certification.

The program runs year-round so there are no enrollment deadlines.



  • 100
    • 0
    • 25
    • 75
  • Online
  • 18 week(s)
  • 288 instructional hour(s)
  • 20.00 Hours
  • 85%

Financial Information

    • $0.00
    • No

Financial Aid

Financial Aid:

  • G. I. Bill
  • Yes
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