Instructors must be certified welders in all three positions, Vertical, Horizontal, and Flat Level. Instructors must have a High School Diploma or HSE. Instructors must pass criminal background checks.
This class is designed to prepare student to gain the necessary skills to pass the horizonal, vertical, and flat level American Welding Society Certification Exam. Students will attend a 10 week course two evenings per week to learn arc welding, cutting, grinding, safety, structural desing and apply codes and standards in the welding industry. Students will be complete 5 weeks of FCAW training and 5 weeks of SMAW training with the final week completing welding coupon tests. Students will complete online module training and quizzes through Miller as well as construction math by direct instruction. Each student will be provided with safety gear and tools of their own to begin employment upon completion.
Students must score a minimum of 501 in Math and a minimum of 519 in Reading on the TABE Assessment.
One week prior to class starting.