Meet the credential standards of Ivy Tech Community College
Ivy Tech Community College and Stellantis have reached an agreement that the classes listed below will result in a Workforce Alignment Interdisciplinary Degree. This degree will be recognized as a completed program by Ivy Tech, as well as Stellantis. The 15 classes listed below have been agreed upon by Stellantis and Ivy Tech as the 45 hours required to be awarded an Ivy Tech Interdisciplinary Workforce Technical Certificate in Machine Tool Technology (5WAL-MTC). These classes are intended to support the Die Cast/Die Maker training for Stellantis. MATH 122 Applied Technical Mathematics 3 MTTC 104 Machinery Handbook 3 MTTC 106 Print Interpretation 3 MTTC 101 Introduction to Machining 3 METC 107 Mechanical Design & Documentation 3 MTTC 102 Turning Processes I 3 MTTC 103 Milling Processes I 3 INDT 120 Metallurgy Fundamentals 3 MTTC 105 Abrasive Process I 3 MTTC 107 CNC Set-Up and Operations I 3 MTTC 208 CNC Mill Programming 3 MTTC 209 CNC Lathe Programming 3 MTTC 206 Tooling Design I 3 MTTC 220 CAD-CAM I 3 MTTC 221 CAD-CAM II 3
Knowledge Assessment
Prior to Fall Semester