All full-time faculty who teach nursing courses have earned at least a Master's Degree in the field of nursing and are licensed in the state of Indiana as a Registered Nurse or maintain a multi-state license.
All part-time faculty who teach nursing courses have earned at least a Master's Degree in the field of nursing and are licensed in the state of Indiana as a Registered Nurse or maintain a multi-state license.
The Professional Nursing program is based upon current nursing practice, including nursing and general education courses. Classroom theory, challenging assignments, skill labs, and clinical experiences prepare students for an entry-level RN position. Students graduating from the Professional Nursing program will receive an Associate degree in nursing and will be eligible to apply for The National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) examination to become licensed as a Registered Nurse.
Jersey College evaluates requests for admissions as they are received (aka “rolling admissions”) versus waiting to evaluate all requests after a hard deadline. Our College will continue to evaluate applicants until all the slots for the incoming class are filled and thereafter an applicant will be considered for the next class.